New Moon Ritual

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Just over a month ago I announced "The Challenge" that a group of friends and I have committed to. I decided to let this story unfold in a series of blog posts so that each aspect gets the space it deserves.

Our second challenge activity was to gather for a New Moon Circle. This specific new moon held the energy big dreams! As women especially we are intimately connected to the moon as we are cyclical beings. It felt as though that specific new moon amplified my feelings 10 fold and it showed.

I needed that tissue
Photo by Arthur Daniel 
Adele guided our circle
Photo by Arthur Daniel 

Adele took the reins and lead our merry band during the New Moon Ritual.  New Moon is a time for new beginning- the moon is completely in darkness and thus represents a clean slate. It is fertile ground for planting new seeds that will blossom with the full moon.

All we had to bring was our yoga mats, a journal and a source of light. Of course, being the little family we have become everyone brought something to munch on and drink.

We all arrived together at our chosen location just before sunset. The circle was held on a rooftop terrace overlooking the south of the island and the airstrip of our international airport. Sidenote:  I love roof tops. When I was studying my halls of residence dorms had this amazing rooftop space that overlooked the ocean.

Photo by Arthur Daniel 

We began the New Moon Circle by becoming present in our bodies and the space we were in- breathing consciously and making ourselves comfortable.Everyone opened up about some of our self limiting beliefs. It was freeing to be so vulnerable about our insecurities or things we hide from the world in order to protect ourselves. The more we shared the lighter we felt and the more connected we became-grounded in our humanity. It was beautiful!

We drafted letters of gratitude to the universe and shared what we were truly thankful for, even those unpleasant moments we sometimes wish to avoid- even those hold sacred and important lessons to guide our evolution. Finally we wrote about and shared our biggest dreams- broken down into a statements of: gratitude, actionable steps to achieve our dreams and an affirmation of our worthiness of living our fullest lives.

Photo by Arthur Daniel 

This is my first time participating in such an organised moon cycle ritual. Does the new moon give off energy to help us bring our deepest desires into the physical world? I am not sure. However, the exercise of going through the steps- letting go of the baggage, coming to clarity about what we want out of life, making a plan on how we can achieve it and affirming that it is possible- is a step in the right direction.
Photo by Arthur Daniel

For me the magic is in what happens next. Since the circle I have felt more conviction. I have taken more action and I have be more consistent with my efforts- all the time keeping my eye on the dream. My Gemini nature means that I have a tendency to be fickle and jump from one idea to the next. Coming up with a plan I can stick to and always remembering the desired outcome does not evaporate out of thin air and fairy dust but consistent effort has sunk in. Hence the launch of my Whipped Cocoa Butter in recent weeks (shameless plug).

What is next on our agenda for The Challenge?

A Hike Up Mount Qua Qua- this was my chosen activity. I loved doing the hike earlier this year and have been excited to share it with people close to me. Read more about my love affair with this hike in my blogpost about my pick of things to do in Grenada as a Highly Sensitive Person.


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